{ "title": { "en": "Experimental data", "de": "Experimentelle Daten", "fr": "Données expérimentales", "it": "Dati sperimentali" }, "source_name": { "en": "State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)", "de": "Staatssekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO)", "fr": "Secrétariat d'Etat à l'économie (SECO)", "it": "Segretaria di Stato dell'economia (SECO)" }, "source_url": [ "https://www.seco.admin.ch/seco/de/home/wirtschaftslage---wirtschaftspolitik/Wirtschaftslage/konsumentenstimmung/experimentelle_daten.html" ], "units": { "type": { "med": { "en": "Percent", "de": "Prozent", "fr": "Pourcentage", "it": "Percento" }, "mean": { "en": "Percent", "de": "Prozent", "fr": "Pourcentage", "it": "Percento" }, "iqr": { "en": "Percentage points", "de": "Prozentpunkte", "fr": "Points de pourcentage", "it": "Punti percentuali" } } }, "dim_order": [ "type", "structure", "seas_adj" ], "structure": { "ks_s22_1_price_exp_med_m": {}, "ks_s22_1_price_exp_mean_m": {}, "ks_s22_1_price_exp_iqr_m": {}, "ks_s23_1_price_exp_5_med_m": {}, "ks_s23_1_price_exp_5_mean_m": {}, "ks_s23_1_price_exp_5_iqr_m": {} }, "labels": { "dimnames": { "type": { "en": "Interpolated median, arithmetic mean or interquartile range", "de": "Interpolierter Median, arithmetisches Mittel oder Interquartilsabstand", "fr": "Médiane interpolée, moyenne arithmétique ou écart interquartile", "it": "Mediana interpolata, media aritmetica o intervallo interquartile" }, "seas_adj": { "en": "Seasonal Adjustment", "de": "Saisonbereinigung", "fr": "Désaisonnalisation", "it": "Destagionalizzazione" }, "structure": { "en": "Measures of central tendency and dispersion", "de": "Lage- und Streuungsmasse", "fr": "Indicateurs de tendance centrale et de dispersion", "it": "Indici di posizione e variabilità" } }, "type": { "med": { "en": "Interpolated median", "de": "Interpolierter Median", "fr": "Médiane interpolée", "it": "Mediana interpolata" }, "mean": { "en": "Arithmetic mean", "de": "Arithmetisches Mittel", "fr": "Moyenne arithmétique", "it": "Media aritmetica" }, "iqr": { "en": "Interquartile range (1st and 3rd quartile)", "de": "Interquartilsabstand (1. und 3. Quartil)", "fr": "Écart interquartile (1er et 3e quartile)", "it": "Intervallo interquartile (tra il 1° e il 3° quartile)" } }, "structure": { "ks_s22_1_price_exp_med_m": { "en": "Price outlook, 12 months, interpolated median", "de": "Erwartete Preisentwicklung, 12 Monate, interpolierter Median", "fr": "Évolution des prix à venir, 12 mois, médiane interpolée", "it": "Evoluzione futura dei prezzi, 12 mesi, mediana interpolata" }, "ks_s22_1_price_exp_mean_m": { "en": "Price outlook, 12 months, arithmetic mean", "de": "Erwartete Preisentwicklung, 12 Monate, arithmetisches Mittel", "fr": "Évolution des prix à venir, 12 mois, moyenne arithmétique", "it": "Evoluzione futura dei prezzi, 12 mesi, media aritmetica" }, "ks_s22_1_price_exp_iqr_m": { "en": "Price outlook, 12 months, interquartile range", "de": "Erwartete Preisentwicklung, 12 Monate, Interquartilsabstand", "fr": "Évolution des prix à venir, 12 mois, écart interquartile", "it": "Evoluzione futura dei prezzi, 12 mesi, intervallo interquartile" }, "ks_s23_1_price_exp_5_med_m": { "en": "Price outlook, 5 years, interpolated median", "de": "Erwartete Preisentwicklung, 5 Jahre, interpolierter Median", "fr": "Évolution des prix à venir, 5 ans, médiane interpolée", "it": "Evoluzione futura dei prezzi, 5 anni, mediana interpolata" }, "ks_s23_1_price_exp_5_mean_m": { "en": "Price outlook, 5 years, arithmetic mean", "de": "Erwartete Preisentwicklung, 5 Jahre, arithmetisches Mittel", "fr": "Évolution des prix à venir, 5 ans, moyenne arithmétique", "it": "Evoluzione futura dei prezzi, 5 anni, media aritmetica" }, "ks_s23_1_price_exp_5_iqr_m": { "en": "Price outlook, 5 years, interquartile range", "de": "Erwartete Preisentwicklung, 5 Jahre, Interquartilsabstand", "fr": "Évolution des prix à venir, 5 ans, écart interquartile", "it": "Evoluzione futura dei prezzi, 5 anni, intervallo interquartile" } }, "seas_adj": { "na": { "en": "Not seasonally adjusted", "de": "Nicht saison- oder kalenderbereinigt", "fr": "Données brutes", "it": "Dati grezzi" }, "csa": { "en": "Seasonally and calendar adjusted", "de": "Saison- und kalenderbereinigt", "fr": "Données corrigées des influences saisonnières et des effets calendaires", "it": "Dati destagionalizzati e corretti dagli effetti di calendario" } } }, "details": { "en": "The focus of these data is on the development of expectations over time. The absolute level of price expectations in surveys is not very informative. Further information see https://www.seco.admin.ch/consumer-confidence.", "de": "Bei diesen Daten steht die Entwicklung über die Zeit im Fokus. Das absolute Niveau von Preiserwartungen in Umfragen ist wenig informativ. Weitere Informationen siehe https://www.seco.admin.ch/konsumentenstimmung.", "fr": "L’intérêt principal de ces données est leur évolution dans le temps. Le niveau absolu des attentes concernant l’évolution des prix a une valeur informative limitée dans les enquêtes. Pour des plus amples informations voir www.seco.admin.ch/climat-consommation.", "it": "Ciò che interessa è lo sviluppo di questi dati nel tempo. Il livello assoluto delle aspettative sull’andamento dei prezzi nei sondaggi non è molto informativo. Maggiori informazioni sul www.seco.admin.ch/clima-consumatori." }, "updated_utc": "2024-05-08 13:11:23" }