A digital guide to the Confederation's promotion activities

Bern, 16.02.2023 - The website of SECO's Promotion Activities Directorate has now been made even more appealing to its target audience. An interactive tool launched today guides users to the appropriate support or funding offer in just a few steps.

The Confederation promotes Switzerland as a business location, offering a wide range of support and funding programmes for businesses and other organisations. Until now, it has been difficult for users of these services to find the right offer to suit their needs quickly and easily. This is why the Directorate for Promotion Activities decided to bring its promotion services together on a single online platform and so make them even more accessible to all target groups. It has developed an interactive advisory tool that leads stakeholders and applicants to the right programme in just three to five clicks. The new digital guide to promotion activities supplements the existing sections of the SECO website and points users towards the right webpage. Currently it contains 16 funding instruments with around 50 different other services. Primary target groups are entrepreneurs, authorities at all federal levels and private individuals.

A business card for promotion activities
The new digital guide to promotion activities is designed to help interested parties find the right promotion instrument quickly and easily by clearly presenting the range of services available to them. The tool also acts as a business card, highlighting SECO's promotion activities. The guide can be accessed at www.promotion.guide.

Address for enquiries

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Holzikofenweg 36
CH-3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 56 56


State Secretariat for Economic Affairs

Last modification 03.01.2025

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