Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce «SOGC»

The Swiss Official Gazette of Commerce (SOGC) appears five times weekly with the latest official information and legal proclamations.

The SOGC was first published on 4 January 1883. Today it is still the only official publication of the Swiss Confederation, which is published five times a week and contains the most recent official information and legally prescribed announcements. SOGC provides economic subjects - primarily companies in the segments of services, commerce, trade and industry - with relevant information on their business environment. The information provided is thus frequently of an operational character. 1200 - 1500 individual publications are published daily, of which the majority are legally binding. Today's SOGC is well positioned in the market due to the official information and, with a daily circulation of 70,000 "users", has excellent media values.

Last modification 31.03.2016

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