Women did 50% more domestic and family work than men in 2020 - but men catching up

Neuchâtel, 20.05.2021 - In 2020, the total time spent on paid and unpaid work was roughly 46 hours per week for both men and women. Women consistently spent more time on domestic and family work than did men (28.7 hours per week compared with 19.1 hours). For men the opposite held true: on average they spent more time on paid employment (25.3 hours per week compared with 15.8 hours by women). The amount of time men spend on domestic and family work has, however, been increasing since 2010, while their paid working hours have declined. These are some of the findings from the Federal Statistical Office’s (FSO) Swiss Labour Force Survey.

This press release and further information on this topic can be found on the FSO website (see link below).

Address for enquiries

Jacqueline Schön-Bühlmann, FSO, Labour Force section, tel.: +41 58 463 64 18, email: Jacqueline.Schoen-Buehlmann@bfs.admin.ch


Federal Statistical Office

Last modification 14.05.2024

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