EasyGov.swiss: saving time and costs for businesses

Bern, 29.03.2022 - According to a SECO study published on 29 March, the EasyGov.swiss online service desk is highly appreciated by users from the business community. Since its inception, EasyGov has generated benefits of around CHF 27 million for Swiss businesses, which translates into annual benefits of around CHF 8.3 million. On average, this results in potential savings of about CHF 1,300 a year for businesses making active use of the services available. The portal currently has already over 55,000 registered businesses.

EasyGov now addresses a broad range of users, covering a wide variety of corporate legal forms and business sectors. Businesses from all the cantons use it, with the largest proportion of users in Zurich and Bern. In the survey period from the time EasyGov was launched in November 2017 until 31 August 2021, some 48,000 businesses registered on the portal – slightly below 10% of all Swiss private-sector businesses.

Most frequently used service: debt enforcement requests
By 31 August 2021, a total of some 46,000 services had been performed via EasyGov, around half of which were debt enforcement requests (51%), followed by business registrations (41%). Thus, these two categories alone account for over 90% of all services used. These are followed by commercial register updates and working hour requests. The information services on EasyGov are also very popular. As the user survey shows, about a quarter of users specifically access EasyGov to obtain information.

While sole proprietorships are by far the largest group of users, especially for registrations, companies make the most use of debt enforcement requests and various other services, e.g. working hour requests or commercial register updates.

High level of customer satisfaction
EasyGov enjoys a high level of customer satisfaction, with more than half of registered businesses stating that they are very or quite satisfied. Approximately a quarter had no particular opinion in this regard, and less than 10% said they were not satisfied. The online rating system on EasyGov – where users can award stars straight after using a service – paints an even more positive picture, with over 60% of respondents giving five stars, i.e. top marks. This points to a very high level of satisfaction immediately after using a service. In addition, more than 60% of users reported that EasyGov creates significant to very significant added value for them. Efficiency savings were by far rated as the greatest benefit.

The responses to the survey also indicate scope for optimisation. In particular, apart from improved user-friendliness, users would like to see the range of EasyGov services extended to include other dealings with authorities as well as further enhancements towards a central platform for government services.

Overall key figures

  • ­To date, EasyGov has been used to perform around 46,000 government services.
  • This translates into benefits and savings of CHF 27 million for businesses since the launch of EasyGov, with its constantly evolving range of services and increasing user numbers.
  • Based on current services and user numbers, benefits of around CHF 688,000 per month can be expected (sample month: June 2021). This corresponds to benefits of around CHF 8.3 million a year.
  • Across all businesses that have ever used a service on EasyGov, the average benefit generated by using online services is around CHF 1,300 per business.

Address for enquiries

State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
Holzikofenweg 36
CH-3003 Bern
Tel. +41 58 462 56 56


State Secretariat for Economic Affairs

Last modification 14.05.2024

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