Ukraine: Switzerland expands list of sanctions

Bern, 28.06.2023 - The Federal Council was informed on 28 June that the EAER, the government department responsible for sanctions, has expanded the sanctions listings concerning Russia. The changes will come into effect at 6.00pm today. Switzerland is thus adopting the sanctions on additional individuals and entities decided by the European Union (EU) on 23 June as part of its 11th sanctions package. The EU has also imposed new measures. The Federal Council is expected to decide on their adoption by the end of August.

On 23 June, the EU imposed financial and travel sanctions on an additional 71 individuals and 33 entities. These include individuals, companies and organisations that support the illegal deportation of Ukrainian children to Russia. Also sanctioned are members of the Russian armed forces, leading representatives of state-controlled Russian media and members of the Wagner Group. The assets of these individuals and entities in Switzerland must be frozen and reported to the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO). The individuals concerned will also be prohibited from entering or transiting Switzerland.

At the same time, the amendments made by the EU on 13 March will be adopted. These include the removal of listings regarding three deceased individuals and two duplicate listings. Following today's amendments, Switzerland's sanctions list in connection with Russia's military aggression against Ukraine corresponds to that of the EU.

On 23 June, the EU also further tightened existing sanctions against Russia and introduced new measures aimed at preventing the circumvention of sanctions. The Federal Council was informed of these changes and the timetable for the work on adopting the new measures at its meeting on 28 June.

Address for enquiries

GS-EAER Communication Service
+41 58 462 20 07 (for journalists)
+41 58 464 08 12 (for individuals or companies concerned)


The Federal Council

Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research

Last modification 14.05.2024

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