SECO represents Switzerland at the OECD Investment Committee, which is responsible for monitoring compliance with commitments made under the OECD's Code of Liberalisation of Capital Movements and its Code of Liberalisation of Current Invisible Operations (the latter relating to cross-border services). The OECD Investment Committee examines international developments as well as specific investment policy measures taken by governments and then makes policy recommendations. The Policy Framework for Investment (PFI) was developed to improve the coherence of investment policies of a state. It intends to enhance attractive, stable and competitive conditions for domestic and international investments. A toolbox (checklist for the specific areas) helps especially developing and transitional countries to establish and enforce reform processes.
SECO attends UNCTAD’s work on international investment agreements. UNCTAD’s aim is to deepen the dialogue on international investment rules and to promote sustainable development and an inclusive growth. UNCTAD presented the Investment Policy Framework for Sustainable Development (IPFSD) within its World Investment Report 2012. The IPFSD serves as a framework for national and international investment policies emphasizing on sustainable and quality economic growth.