Information for companies

SECO has published a publication on corruption in international business transactions. Its aim is for companies to become familiar with the applicable regulations of the Swiss criminal law. Useful legal concepts are specified with the help of specific scenarios.

The publication highlights the effects of corruption on businesses and proposes tools that can be used to prevent and combat corrupt conduct.

Preventing corruption – Information for Swiss businesses operating abroad


The brochure provides Swiss companies operating abroad advice on the active prevention of corruption. The subject has become topical given the backdrop of stricter legal provisions that entered into force.

The publication provides concrete answers to the following questions

In addition, Transparency International has recently developed a series of documents and guides for companies that can be found under the headings Further Information and Links below.

Specialist staff
Last modification 06.01.2023

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The Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)
International Investments and Multinational Enterprises Unit
Holzikofenweg 36
CH-3003 Bern

Tel. + 41 (0)58 463 12 75

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