What to do when faced with a concrete corruption case ?

The information collected and the preventive measures already implemented will allow you to accurately assess the situation in a specific case. If necessary, seek help.

Assess the situation!

Establish a list of warning signals containing clues that will help employees identify and report a risk. These indicators include: some countries, certain economic sectors, irregularities or delays, opaque accounting, unusual expenses, an expensive lifestyle, etc.

Enforce disciplinary sanctions!

In the event that unethical or illegal conduct is uncovered, the disciplinary sanctions provided for in the code of conduct must be applied consistently and proportionately, and flaws corrected.

Get help!

This includes in particular the recourse to a lawyer, your professional association or the relevant chamber of commerce. Abroad, it may be advisable to contact the Swiss representation, which will examine the advisability of intervening with the local authorities.

The Federal Office of Police fedpol maintains an online reporting platform through which individuals can report possible wrongdoing related to bribery. The anonymity of the whistleblower is guaranteed.

Be aware of your responsibility!

As a company manager, it is your responsibility to actively combat corruption and to make the right choices to achieve this. Conduct your business activities abroad in accordance with the law to avoid negative implications.

Specialist staff
Last modification 17.04.2020

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