The FTA Monitor summarises the most important information on the use of individual Swiss free trade agreements.
In addition to general information on bilateral trade, the FTA Monitor presents key figures pertaining to the utilisation of the respective FTA. These include the preference utilisation rate for the last three years, the expected utilisation rate (based on the traded product mix with the relevant FTA partner) and the achieved customs savings – both as absolute figures and as proportions of the hypothetical customs duties (savings rate).
The FTA Monitor provides readers with an overview of all relevant figures on the use of individual FTAs.
The map shows which countries have a free trade agreement with Switzerland (either as part of EFTA or bilaterally).

The FTA Monitor for imports to Switzerland is available for every FTA. Where data was made available, the Monitor also contains information on Swiss exports to the partner country.
The FTA Monitor is also available for the following groups of countries: the European Union (EU), the European Free Trade Association (EFTA), the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) and the Southern African Customs Union (SACU).
FTA Monitor 2022 (PDF, 41 MB, 18.06.2024)Analysis on the Utilization of Free Trade Agreements
The EFTA Secretariat has published its own FTA Monitor since 2022, showing the aggregated use of FTAs within EFTA. This FTA Monitor is published in English on the following website: EFTA's Free Trade Agreements Monitor.
Further information on the use of free trade agreements: Use of free trade agreements
Last modification 03.05.2023