Federal Council decides not to amend the War Material Ordinance

Bern, 31.10.2018 - The Federal Council decided on 31 October not to amend the War Material Ordinance. On 15 June it had taken a decision based on security policy and economic considerations to align the authorisation criteria in the War Material Ordinance with those of comparable European countries in cases where a recipient state is involved in a conflict on its own territory.

The decisive factor for the Federal Council in its decision not to pursue this amendment to the Ordinance is that there is no longer sufficient political support for the reform in the parliamentary security policy committees. Furthermore, to insist on the amendment might be counterproductive with regard to existing authorisation practices in the field of war material exports.

Address for enquiries

Fabian Maienfisch,
Deputy Head of Communications, SECO,
Tel. +41 58 462 40 20,


The Federal Council

Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research

Last modification 14.05.2024

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