Ukraine: Switzerland adopts EU’s eighth package of sanctions
Bern, 23.11.2022 - On 23 November, the Federal Council adopted further sanctions against Russia. It is thus adopting in principle the latest measures adopted by the European Union (EU) as part of its eighth package of sanctions. The measures will enter into force at 6pm on 23 November.
In response to Russia's ongoing military aggression against Ukraine, as well as Russia's continuing destabilising actions that undermine Ukraine's territorial integrity, sovereignty and security, the European Union (EU) adopted new measures against Russia on 6 October as part of the eighth package of sanctions. On 12 October, the Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research (EAER) made amendments to the annexes within its competence and approved, among other things, the sanctioning of around 30 additional persons and entities by Switzerland.
As of 23 November, the Federal Council will adopt the remaining measures set out in the eighth package of sanctions. These include a legal basis for the introduction of oil price caps for Russian crude oil and petroleum products, as well as restrictions on other iron and steel products, aerospace goods and goods of economic importance to Russia. The measures also include bans on the provision of further services (IT, engineering, architecture, legal services) to the Russian government and to Russian companies, as well as on holding seats on the boards of certain Russian state-owned companies. However, in doing so, Switzerland ensures that access to Swiss law is preserved and that the rule of law is fully guaranteed. This was the Federal Council's condition for adopting these new bans.
In addition to adopting the measures set out in the EU's eighth package of sanctions, the Federal Council has now explicitly included in the ordinance an arms embargo against Russia, which for reasons of Swiss neutrality will also be partially extended to Ukraine. Up until now, the arms embargo has been implemented in Switzerland largely on the basis of existing war materiel and goods control legislation. In adopting the embargo on military equipment, it is now explicitly included in the ordinance in connection with the situation in Ukraine.
The Federal Council emphasised back in August that Switzerland was determined to contribute to combating the global food and energy crises. It was with that in mind that the Federal Council today decided to amend the ordinance to allow the purchase of certain fertilisers, provided the goods are destined for a third country. The decision is based on Switzerland's particular importance regarding the global trade in fertilisers.
Address for enquiries
Enquiries from the media:
EAER Communications
058 462 20 07
Enquiries from businesses (sanctions):
058 464 08 12
The Federal Council
Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research
Federal Department of Foreign Affairs
Last modification 14.05.2024
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Tel. +41 58 463 52 75
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Tel. +41 58 462 40 20
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Tschanz Françoise
Tel. +41 58 463 05 70