Trade facilitation

Trade facilitation is aimed at simplifying and speeding up the customs clearance of goods, thereby lowering costs for business. As part of its trade facilitation programmes, Switzerland seeks to achieve efficient frameworks for Swiss exporters and importers, as well as straightforward trade procedures coordinated with its trading partners.

Internationally, Switzerland advocates within the WTO and in its FTA negotiations for trade facilitation measures. Minimum standards were established at international level in 2017, in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Trade Facilitation Agreement. The corresponding provisions in free trade agreements place certain obligations on the contracting parties, such as having to publish the relevant legislation and tariff rates online, and to comply with international standards (such as those of the revised Kyoto Convention) when designing customs procedures.

At the national level, facilitation concerns the relationship between those involved in the customs process and the government. One of the objectives here is to offer Swiss exporters and importers straightforward, effective procedures to reduce the costs of cross-border trading.

DaziT transformation programme

The DaziT digitalisation and transformation programme is gradually simplifying, standardising and fully digitalising tariff and duty collection processes. It was launched on 1 January 2018 and runs until the end of 2026.

The Federal Office for Customs and Border Security (FOCBS) provides regular updates on progress with DaziT via its business advisory group. DaziT also has a variety of working groups that look at the broader issues. They are open to all interested companies and trade associations.

Revision of the Customs Act

The FOCBS is currently working on the complete revision of the Customs Act. This involves creating a new framework act, the FOCBS Enforcement Remit Act, and reducing the present Customs Act so that it becomes the Customs Levy Act, concerned only with duties and tariffs. To benefit Swiss customs policy these legal reforms will focus on the successful modernisation and digitalisation of procedures. They will also incorporate the Swiss economy's need for efficient, business-friendly customs procedures.

Specialist staff
Last modification 31.08.2022

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