SECO - A portrait of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs

SECO is the federal government’s centre of expertise for core issues relating to economic policy. Its aim is to ensure sustainable economic growth, high employment and fair working conditions by providing a stable environment for regulatory, economic and foreign trade policy.

Labour Directorate

The Labour Directorate is responsible for supervision, management and implementation in the areas of working conditions, public employment services, unemployment insurance and accompanying measures.

Economic Policy Directorate

The Economic Policy Directorate monitors national and international economic development, identifies the need for economic policy action and analyses federal legislation relevant to the whole economy.

Foreign Economic Affairs Directorate

The Foreign Economic Affairs Directorate is committed to an open Swiss economy. It safeguards the interests of our economy abroad by promoting free and fair world trade.

Promotion Activities Directorate

The Promotion Activities Directorate supports the adaptation processes of our SME-driven economy and thus contributes to Switzerland’s competitiveness as an economic hub.

Organisation, Law & Accreditation Directorate

The Organisation, Law & Accreditation Directorate ensures the efficient operation of SECO’s business. It is also responsible for enforcing the Unfair Competition Act and accrediting conformity assessment bodies.

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SECO - A portrait of the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs


The brochure provides an overview of the wide range of activities performed by the State Secretariat for Economic Affairs. It is available in German, French, Italian and English. The portrait is updated annually; the print version of the current edition is available from mid- January.

Last modification 13.09.2023

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