CSR Position Paper and Action Plan of the Federal Council

Report on the implementation of the CSR action plan 2020-2023 and next steps

The Federal Council has approved the report on the implementation of the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Action Plan 2020-2023 and the next steps. The measures were largely implemented and anchored in existing bodies such as the National Contact Point (NCP) for responsible business conduct. For example, new legal provisions on sustainability reporting were brought into force, the OECD Guidelines for Responsible Business Conduct were updated and new support tools were made available to companies on the federal CSR portal. From 2024, SECO will continue its work in three key areas:

  • The NCP promotes the implementation of the OECD Guidelines and due diligence tools for companies. It acts as an out-of-court mediation centre in cases of suspected violations of the Guidelines by companies.
  • SECO accompanies any legislative processes and supports SMEs that may be indirectly affected by national and international regulations. The existing federal CSR portal with support tools for companies is being continuously developed.
  • The Federal CSR Group, headed by SECO, is committed to ensuring policy coherence on responsible business conduct between the various federal agencies.

CSR Action Plan 2020-2023

On 15 January 2020 the Federal Council adopted the revised CSR Action Plan 2020-2023. It thus confirms its commitment to responsible business conduct.

CSR Position Paper and Action Plan 2015-2019

On 1 April 2015, the Swiss Federal Council adopted a position paper on corporate social responsibility. It was prepared as part of an interdepartmental process under the aegis of SECO and based on a consultation between the various stakeholders. It has two main goals: 1. Informing companies and their stakeholders about the federal government’s goals and expectations as regards CSR; 2. Providing an overview of the government’s current and future CSR-related activities.

The CSR Position Paper sets out four strategic priorities for the federal government’s activities:

  • Co-developing CSR framework conditions;
  • Raising awareness among and supporting Swiss companies as they implement CSR;
  • Promoting CSR in developing countries and transitional economies;
  • Encouraging transparency in CSR activities.

The measures with respect to the four priorities are laid out in an action plan for 2015–2019, which forms an integral part of the Position Paper.

Report on Progress (1.4.2015-31.3.2017)

Last modification 07.06.2024

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