Trade in services

The provisions on the trade in services build on the WTO’s General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) but also go further in key areas. The aim is to achieve better conditions for Swiss companies exporting services and prevent potential discrimination against service providers from other countries.

The FTAs cover all service sectors and forms of service provision as a basic principle. The general rules in the chapter on services are supplemented by specific annexes (e.g. on financial services) that stipulate specific rules and obligations for the relevant sector. The agreements also contain lists of commitments by both partners. These lists specify the service sectors and form of service provision for which the other party’s service providers are to receive access to the first party’s domestic market (market access) and for which discrimination against the first party’s own service providers is banned (national treatment). This page provides more information on the trade in services and the service-related provisions of Switzerland’s free trade agreements.

FAQs on trade in services

Specialist staff
Last modification 09.09.2020

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