In order to hold its ground in the competition for business locations and to succeed in attracting foreign companies (direct investments), two conditions must be met:
- Good economic conditions for business activities;
- Awareness of Switzerland's appeal as a business location among decision-makers.
Informing potentially interested investors and businesses about the locational advantages in Switzerland are therefore just as important as the individual locational advantages themselves (including flexible labour markets, highly qualified workers and a relatively low tax burden). This is an important task for the national location promotion. Through targeted public relations and marketing activities, the Agency identifies potential investors in selected target markets. In addition, it coordinates the activities of the various actors and contributes to the uniform identity of Switzerland abroad.
Under the Federal Act on the Promotion of Switzerland as a Business Location (SR 194.2), the federal government has promoted the establishment of foreign companies in Switzerland since 1996 within the framework of the «Switzerland. Trade & Investment Promotion» [1] programme. Encouraging specific companies to base themselves in Switzerland is and remains the core task of the cantons. This division of labour makes sense and is a good example of the implementation of a joint task between the federal government and the cantons.
Since 1 January 2008, Switzerland Global Enterprise (formerly known as Osec), a private association, has assumed operational responsibility for the federal government's location promotion programme. A corresponding service agreement was concluded between SECO and Switzerland Global Enterprise (S-GE) for 2024 - 2027.
SECO's Export and Location Promotion Section in turn supervises the external service provider, develops strategies for location promotion and, as the competent administrative authority, represents Switzerland's interests as a location for business in the context of economic policy legislation.
Switzerland Global Enterprise
Stampfenbachstrasse 85
CH-8006 Zurich
Tel. +41 (0)44 365 51 51